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February 2021

Grant Ragan PTO Meeting Agenda

February 2, 2021

1. Welcome

2. Principal’s Report

- Conferences will be virtual again - early March

- Guessing 5 Kindergarten sections for the coming year

- Keri Ross had her baby girl on Sunday

- Pitkin just returned from leave.

- 2 Associates due next and Emily Allison due in May

3. Committee Reports

a. Treasurer’s Report

- District wide deposit made and went to Fun Run

- Staff Appreciation reimbursement just made.

b. Yearbook

- Sent out information to get photos for those who didn’t get photos taken.

- Also hoping to get other photos of kids throughout the day

- Has to have everything to Lifetouch by March 29th

c. Staff Appreciation

- Coffee and Drink bar - all spots are filled but still open for monetary donations

- Wauk The Talk - Need nominations!

d. Fundraising

- Fun Run will happen! - In person socially distanced.

- One class at a time, minimal volunteers

- Online Donations only - will be using FundMonkey, Venmo and RevTrack.

- April 16th - kick off fundraising after spring break

- Prizes will be more classroom or school earned prizes. Raffel for top prizes.

- Working on incorporating online students

- Will do one in Fall of 2021 also

e. Restaurant Nights

- Chipotle earned $233.

- Totally Rolled set up for two visits for the spring

- Looking into Kee Nutrition, Kue'd and Coffee options

f. Conference Meals

- Will be virtual similar to Fall. Working on ideas.

4. New Business

a. Totally Rolled Ice Cream - April 27th and May 25th. 6 to 8 pm

b. Box Tops coming up - more information soon.

5. Future Meetings

a. April 13th

b. May 4th

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